touchgreen's mission is to connect people of all ages with nature, in particular children and the youth. Using professional outdoor and environmental education methods, we help people form an emotional bond with nature. Through workshops and excursions, participants learn to experience and value flora and fauna, in order to be able to protect nature.
touchgreen would like to make people aware of the important ecological questions of today’s world. Positive ways of thinking and behaving in terms of nature conservation and environmental protection can thus be sustainably promoted in the coming generation.
touchgreen offers creative art and hands-on projects, which stimulate imagination and inventiveness in the participants and can thus grow into lifelong positive memories.
touchgreen wants to contribute to creating more inspiring and attractive yet functional learning and play areas for the future generation. This includes transforming monotonous, often unattractive outside areas of schools and kindergartens, as this is where children and teenagers spend most of their active daytime.
touchgreen designs green, biodiverse child-appropriate creative learning and play spaces, with a healthy microclimate and quality environment. Direct access to plants and animals enables direct contact with nature. Transferring knowledge and implementing the curriculum directly in front of the classroom door gives the children valuable and long-lasting experiences. This offers the students new learning experiences that are literally “out of the classroom box”.
touchgreen advises schools and kindergartens and actively includes all members of the school community in the planning and implementation. A proud and responsible school community maintains and develops these dynamic places for the future.
Would you like to explore the numerous possibilities with touchgreen?
I look forward to receiving your enquiries, sharing ideas and working together on green school projects!
Get in touch: ks@touch-green.com | +65 81 68 99 15